HealthNotDiets Digest, Issue 36, 2019
September 13 - October 3, 2019
As always, if you like what you read here, please support the original author by liking/sharing/following/up-voting/subscribing directly to their feed.
Happy reading!
Articles & Blogs
Melbourne's #BOPOExpo is giving us all the 'Fat Babe Pool Party' feels!
by Rebel Wylie
“We have taken steps to ensure people from as many marginalised body types as possible can attend this event with ease, knowing it was designed with them in mind”
Fat people must become a priority to the left
by Da'Shaun Harrison
“While fat studies is a fairly new academic area, there is tons of work out there to be engaged.”
Plus-size influencers have message for 'fat-phobic' family members: 'I need your support'
by Sabrina Rojas Weiss
“To the dismay of the willfully ignorant, fat bodies are normal. Existing in one, having one, loving one is normal, though you’d almost never know it if you didn’t seek out this lesson on your own.”
Why the way we teach kids table manners is actually kind of racist
by Joshna Maharaj
“there are many different ways to eat food and that they’re all worthy of respect and acknowledgement.”
A brief history of singular ‘they’
by Dennis Baron
"Even people who object to singular they as a grammatical error use it themselves when they’re not looking, a sure sign that anyone who objects to singular they is, if not a fool or an idiot, at least hopelessly out of date.”
Instagram tightens rules on diet and cosmetic surgery posts
by PA Media
"the platform said any content that made a “miraculous” claim about a diet or weight-loss product and was linked to a commercial offer such as a discount code, would now be removed from Instagram.”
Letting go
by Atul Gawande
"Arriving at an acceptance of one’s mortality and a clear understanding of the limits and the possibilities of medicine is a process, not an epiphany.”
A long but important read.
Weight Science and the Humble Evolution of a Non-Diet Dietitian
by Kathleen Meehan
"A non-diet healthcare provider won’t shame an individual for seeking weight loss as a means to health and acceptance, but they WILL offer a different way.”
Christopher Eccleston: 'I'm a lifelong body-hater'
by BBC Entertainment
"Many times I’ve wanted to reveal that I’m a lifelong anorexic and dysmorphic....[but] I never have. I always thought of it as a filthy secret, because I’m northern, because I’m male and because I’m working class.”
My Doctor Prescribed Me Weight Loss—I Actually Had Cancer
by Jen Curran
"From breast cancer to ovarian cancer to ... massive blood clots-countless women have told me they are being misdiagnosed as “too fat” when they are literally dying of something else. If you think something is seriously wrong with your body, and your doctor tells you weight loss is the solution, please get a second opinion. Please. Trust your instincts. Listen to your body. And don’t give up until you are satisfied with the answer."
How Family Breakfasts Became the New Family Dinner
by JBelinda Luscombe
"the health benefits of family meals are not dependent on the time of day”
Artificial intelligence helps detect sepsis in Sydney emergency departments
by Harriet Tatham
"We found that the sepsis alert improves the detection of sepsis over and above what the clinician does ... and it improves the accuracy and early detection by over 20 per cent”
Research finds humans have consumed dairy for at least 6,000 years
by AGDAILY Reporters
"The fact that we found this protein in the dental calculus of individuals from three different Neolithic sites may suggest that dairy consumption was a widespread dietary practice in the past.”
Supplements may not prevent long-term nutritional deficiency after bariatric surgery
by Mauro Lombaro, et al
"Among those who underwent Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, the researchers observed a nutritional deficiency in 52% prior to surgery, 50% at 3 years and 87% at 5 years. Among those who underwent sleeve gastrectomy, 55% had a nutritional deficiency prior to surgery, 53% at 3 years and 70% at 5 years.”
This is WITH taking a vitamin and mineral supplement.
Baby Fat Isn't Real, It's Just a Fatphobic Myth
by Mathew Rodriguez
"it never once occurred to me or anyone around me [as a teen] that the route to fighting the “problem” wasn’t fighting my stomach, but the stigma others slung over my back”
Eating healthy doesn’t need to mean white-washing your diet
by Melissa Pandika
"Broadening our notion of what foods count as “healthy” beyond a narrow Eurocentric lens — that is, beyond what you might see in Whole Foods aisles or what comes up under #cleaneating on Instagram — is more than just “the nice thing to do”; it’s the just thing to do.”
WW Are Using Fast Track Research to Justify The Kurbo App
by Untrapped
"Although the dangers of childhood and adolescent dieting are well established in eating disorder research, in obesity research there is a push to establish the completely opposite idea: that it’s perfectly safe. Especially if it’s done by ‘experts’. And now we’re seeing just how awful the consequences can be."
Soapbox & Shareables
E48 - Kids Meet A Gynecologist | Kids Meet
This is so lovely :)
Unpacking Weight Science Podcast
How about bite-sized podcasts that you can claim as professional development?!?
I've designed the Unpacking Weight Science Podcast to suit health professionals, health science students and anyone who wants to know more about human body weight, health outcomes, interpreting weight related research and the far ranging effects of weight bias.
The 20-30 minute monthly podcasts unpack different elements of weight bias & stigma, weight research, BMI, health behaviours and weight neutral approaches. Paid subscribers (only $5/month!) get instant access to all previous episodes plus full show notes, reference list, self-test quiz and resource materials for use in practice for recent episodes. This equates to an hour of professional development activity each month :-)
Available for subscribers now is:
'Weight Loss Before Joint Replacement Surgery: The Cutting Truth'
I’m super excited to have been able to take a dive into this research for you as it’s something that comes up constantly for people – both health professionals and people who own troublesome joints. In this episode I take look at things from the surgeon’s perspective, the anaesthetist’s perspective, the patient’s perspective and the allied health professionals perspective, and provide you with both the science, and ideas for ways you can advocate for yourself and your clients to get the joint you need.
Subscribe now at:
and instantly access 22 episodes before the rest of the world!
Episodes 1-5 are now on iTunes!
Search 'Unpacking Weight Science'
to listen to them for free!
Training Opportunities in 2019
Fremantle, Western Australia, 26-27 June SOLD OUT
Auckland, New Zealand, 7-8 October
Melbourne, Victoria, 12-13 October
Newcastle, New South Wales, 21-22 November
Perth, Western Australia, 28 June SOLD OUT
Auckland, New Zealand, 9 October
Melbourne, Victoria, 11 October
Newcastle, New South Wales, 23 November
Want these 'live'? Then follow me on Twitter (@FionaWiller), Facebook (@HealthNotDiets) and Instagram (@FionaWiller)
Want more info about the non-diet approach or unpacking weight science? Resources include books, courses, workshops and handouts: visit
See anything you think I'd like to share or comment about? Post in the comments below or email me at